Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mac Addiction * Makeup Addiction

Okay, clearly we know what the subject is going to be all about but come on...I'm serious. I'm starting to have a MAC addiction problem which I need to fix because I never did before. On the other hand, I am also going through the stage of makeup addiction as well. I mean over the last 2 years, I have been collecting a lot more makeup then before and I never got to this stage. But right now, I have tons and tons of makeup that are not even done yet and some that are barely touched nor not touched at all but I am having this craziness or should I call it maddness of having to get more and more makeup. The more I get the more I become happy...don't know why but at this stage I shouldn't be going through this. Somehow I am and it is no good.
I'm glad my hubby is putting me on probihtion but in it's own way
it is not good for me. I can't get anything that I want especially
limited edition makeup. *sigh* I have been begging serious begging
to go to Springfield but he kept saying no. I guess after last night
and today he finally said he'll take me but no spending money.
Good luck with that...but it also refers to me too at the same time.
I hope I am lucky enough because I also want to go to the CCO in
Branson and see what have I been missing out on while I was gone.
I hope tomorrow is my lucky day I will really have to work on my
charm and charm him..wink*wink*
Any how, all I wanted to say and confess is that I am really getting out of hand.
I have been spending money on makeup like crazy. These few days and weeks
I have done outrageous things that I have never done before. I should be past
this stage but somehow I am not. When I first started out in makeup I never
even had an addiction on buying so much makeup but somehow been collecting
a lot. But I have never felt like I know how Aubrey feels when she
was confessing in a video about hauling too much makeup. I know I have a lot
and plenty to use from but I want more....I should be thankful and happy but
somehow I'm sad and unhappy at the same time. I know it is addicting but I
also know myself. I know when to stop and chill but I feel like I am missing out
on limited edition items and I will be regretting it for the rest of my life. Yes, you;ve
heard me for the rest of my life. I will probably be buying it off ebay and reading
through people's blog and regretting.
I'm not sure what to do but any suggestion would work. I just want to get all
the major items I want from MAC, Sephora, Coach, CCO and then I am done
for good and for real! I just hope that some people will understand.
Have any of you been through this makeup craze stage? Tell me about it...

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